Last night we had an experience that we have never seen before. Although my 14 year old is home schooled she went with a friend to the local high school football game. She apparently and unknowingly "eyeballed" a girl and the girl did not like it. As my daughter was leaving she jumped her from behind and beat her. Smashing her head into a car and beating and kicking her. She was checked out by ambulance and she was banged up but okay. Okay physically. It scared her...alot. It scared me. We had a houseful of police at 10pm last night. We filed charges against the girl. She is 14 years old and has been in alot of trouble before, has been in juvenile hall several times before. According to police this is a family of around 100 all "Known" in this town. Not to be messed with. That we could have repercussions for pressing charges. They said it will take a few days to find the girl because the family will hide her out and she will not go home.
I was angry last night really really really angry....beyond angry. I am still angry this morning. I am angry that my daughter had to experience this. That she is now afraid. And angry that I could not protect her last night. I am angry that no one, not the security guards according to witnesses wanted to help my daughter, but instead turned a blind eye. That adults from this town did not step in and help her. I am NOT afraid of this family, I will protect my family from this point on.
Along with my anger this morning, I am also sad. I thought all night about this 14 year old CHILD. What was she taught through her life. Did no one tell her that she could seriously injure someone or even kill someone and ruin her life being this way? Why did she not get the attention or direction or discipline she so desperately needs? From what I understand from the police that this is this girls last straw and she will be going to juvenile detention for a long period of time. I also understand that when this child acts this way, she gets the belt from a parent then is free to roam the streets again. So the pattern is she is beaten then released to run more, or goes to juvenile hall where she is most certainly mistreated and/or beaten more. Do we not see a cycle that is in no way benefiting or helping this child. I understand I am naive. I spend my days with my children canning food, or things like yesterday where my 14 year old before the football game made mm cheesecake for the family. In my naivety I can't understand how this will help this child, Other than keep her in a system that does not work or continue the cycle of abuse. This makes me sad. So today I ponder my anger and sadness. God bless to all of you. Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
Oh Michelle, how horrid. How frustrated you must feel. And your daughter.... so sad for her. Thankfully she has you to help her heal (physically and mentally) and put things back into perspective. My prayers are with you and your family. So sorry you had to go through this ordeal. Give her lots of hugs. The hardest part of parenting is letting go, and this is a perfect example of why. My very best to you all.....
Thank you tons Jayce. She is doing better today then yesterday. She is still scared and worried as they have not caught the girl yet. We will just have to be extra careful. Thanks again, Michelle
I read somewhere recently where a man was mistreated and the person who did him wrong was sent to jail. The victim bought the man a bible and took it to him in jail. This helped the victim to forgive the person who abused him. I feel like you can make a difference in this child's life by showing her love and forgiveness in other words break the cycle of anger in her life. She needs love and positive attention that she evidently isnt getting at home. I know that you are angry right now and that this may not be what you want to hear at the moment but love does change things!!!!
I totally agree with you anon I am angry but not with the girl I am angry with the parents or parent. I am sad for the girl. Michelle
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