This weeks recipe is Pancakes and syrup. If you are not making your own pancake mix then you really should. It is super simple and the pancakes taste just like Ihop or other restaurant pancakes. And syrup is also really simple to make. You could in 1 hour make up enough pancake mix and enough syrup to last months, depending on your family size. We eat pancakes for lunch and for dinner. I have them on my menu at least 7 times in a 2 week period for breakfasts and at least 2 times for a dinner. Pancake syrup 1 cup water 1cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. maple flavoring Put all in a pan heat to boiling, turn heat to medium high and boil until you reach the consistency you like. Longer boiling means thicker syrup. Let syrup cool and store in a mason jar or an old syrup container. I always quadruple this recipe for our size family. Pancakes (Make ahead, big batch) 12 cups flour 4 cups dry milk 3/4 cup baking powder 3/4 cup sugar 2 tbl salt Mix thoroughly and store in airtight container for up to 6 months. I would advise that you freeze your flour for a few hours after you purchase it and you won't have to worry about bugs in your mix. To make pancakes ( This makes about 8 large pancakes) 1 1/2 cups dry pancake mix 1 cup water 1 egg 2 tbl veg. oil Mix all together, Cook pancakes and enjoy!!!! Have a great Friday, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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