The twins were so darn excited yesterday as they pulled the first tomato off the plant and dug up one tiny little potato. We chopped and froze the tomato because they want to make spaghetti sauce when we have enough of them. The potato is snall but it is the second layer so gonna give it a few more weeks and then harvest some. They were so excited. I saw we have blueberries coming in and peaches growing on the tree. We also have beans and green peppers flowering. Onions and lettuce look good. Not so sure about the squashes, thought I would have had flowers by now, But we have had hardly any sun in 2 weeks so hoping the next few weeks they take off.
I can't even stress enough how going out in the backyard and getting our own food makes everyone feel.
Everyone is getting very excited here about June 1st. That is the appointment to find out the sex of the new baby. The girls want a girl and the boys want another boy. I don't care really but a girl would be nice for a change of pace hahaha. See some pinks again. Mostly the girls are dying to shop for stuff. I am going after the appointment to get Needed things. I am going to make my own cloth diapers this time instead of buying them, and also the wipes. I am going to use the same set up I had for the twins for cleaning them. Two small garbage cans with lids, One for dirty and one for just wet ones. That worked out well last time. I am also going to get a few glass bottles just in case the breast feeding does not go well. But I really hope it works out for me since I have never done it before.
Hubby got bumped off his regular turn at work and had to take a less paying job until another one opens up. Not so bad but hope it turns again soon. Have a great weekend all, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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