I have finally come up with my plans to "Structure my blog". I hope this makes it easier for me to blog because I love doing it. And I also hope it helps get all my thoughts to you better. I have so many things I want to share!!! So I am going to give this a go next week and see how it works.
MONDAY- This will be MANIC MONDAY....This totally describes me haha. Monday's will be a free for all. It might be homeschooling one week or couponing or something frugal or just all around info.
TUESDAY- This will be TIPSTER TUESDAY...... Any new tips I have learned from around the internet or tried and true will be posted on Tuesday's, I also hope to get tips from all of you!!!! I loveeeeee tips!!!
WEDNESDAY- This will be GOOD BUY WEDNESDAY..... I will post my good deals from around town, which are nationwide (Walgreen's, Wal Mart) and local deals. I will include coupon match ups and links to those coupons.
THURSDAY- This will be a frugal RECIPE OF THE WEEK THURSDAY.....Each week I am going to post one of our frugal recipes or a new "Creation" as we call them around here. Cheap but still good for you.
FRIDAY- This will be FRUGAL FRIDAY..... All things frugal, cheap or free on this day.
SATURDAY- This will be SURVIVAL SATURDAY.....This will be about getting through different things like living on less or what you should have in case of scenarios. We live in turbulent and unsure times right now and having what you need in case of is really a great idea. I sleep better at night knowing that I have enough food for an extended period of time. I know how to plant a garden and eat from it. My son has built us up enough solar power to have the basics. And so on.
SUNDAY- This will be STOCKPILE SUDAY.... This will be on stockpiling. Techniques, storage, plans of action on getting your stockpile going and keeping it going.
I hope this works out and I am very excited about it. My 15 year old daughter is going to help me out and work with me on this. She is going to do some of the articles and share some of her recipes and ideas also. I will introduce her here this week and have her share a bit about herself with you all. She will also be helping at my coupon class here in Independence as she is the one who helps me out with my couponing. Thanks to all of you. Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
Sounds like you have some great plans! But remember - that mothering comes before blogging! At least that is what I have to remember!
I don't even have a choice there lol And plus I have just can't put the 4 month old down, He loooovveess to be held and snuggled and I love holding and snuggling him lol But thank you very much for the reminder. We all need to be reminded from time to time!! Michelle
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