Whew I think I am finally feeling closer to myself the last few days!!!!! Thank God!!!!! I did some internet research last week about vitamins to take for feeling run down and sluggish and came up with a regimen. I was taking vitamin c, D3, E, Echinaccea and a probiotic. I added to that Folic acid, B12, magnesium and Iron. The poor pharmacist spent almost an hour with me helping me pick out the best. Since I was so sluggish he suggested I take the liquid B12, Downfall it tastes fairly icky but is absorbed quicker. The iron is the one I have problems with and have had problems with in the past. But we came up with a lower dose one that is time released. And since I am anemic this hopefully will help. So far so good. I am down to taking only 1 of the nausea pills each day, Right smack in the middle of the day. I am hoping to be off those by the end of next week. YEAHHHH. I completley believe in Vitamins, They work.
I have been cleaning like mad lately, This house has gone to heck over the last month and I am feeling the crunch of spring cleaning and organizing hitting me hard. I organized the boys dressers yesterday, getting out all the too small clothes or too stained up and worn ones out. Next week I am hoping to get all the spring/summer stuff washed up and ready to go. We are hoping to get the house in order by end of next week and get the back yard ready for the raised beds by weekend after next. We had a little trouble finding railroad ties, But then last minute found someone who has around 80 of them and wants them gone....SCORE!!!!! We are going to go and dump the trailer that day and head straight over and get the ties and get them set up. Then next day get the soil done and get all my plants in the ground. My beans and peas are already a foot high. I am really excited to get them planted and growing and producing this year. I have high expectations this year and want to yeild enough to can and make baby food in preparation for the baby.
My 5 year old twins have been so cute, Every morning they want to know if the baby is here yet? I say no the baby has to grow lots more and will be here when halloween gets here. So today Joshua says to me, Can we go out to the pumpkin patch and see if they are open yet? Toooooo cute. I got a magazine from the Dr. office that shows a baby in each month inside the mother. So I think that I am going to cut out the pictures and post it up each month so they know where we are at and how far we have to go. Something to help them understand best they can. I have been thinking of names, I really like Jeremiah David or Noah for a boy. I really like Joyanna or Hannah for a girl. But that might change. I usually blurt out something completely different as soon as they are born bahahaha. I hear them cry and bammm it comes to me. A few here want to name it Luke John if it is a boy. We have Matthew Mark and they think it would be cute to say and here are Matthew Mark and Luke John, The first 4 books of the new testament. I am thinking on that one.
Have a blessed Thursday all, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
I just wanted to point out that Echinaccea is not supposed to be taken on a continual basis. I think the maxium it should be taken is three weeks in a row? So I would suggest researching that to see if it is true and then maybe nixing that from your daily dole out. You may want to look into fish or flax seed oil as well. The omega 3s are awesome for a growing baby and have wonderful health benefits for mama too!
Are those railroad ties creosote-soaked and/or pressure-treated? You might want to check this out, especially if you are health-conscious:
Here's a discussion:
Yes Elizabeth my bad for not saying that. I actually take the ecchinacea first 10 days of the month, then stop, then start again the next month. Would munching on flax seeds be the same as the flax seed oil? I eat a few here and there throughout the day.
Anon, Whattttttttt???? Darn it lol I never knew it was any big deal about what was on the ties, Darn Darn Darn ittttttttt. I will check out those links and check with the person I was going to get them from. I have no idea and tell you the truth I am not sure what that even means. Thanks for informing me. I am off to read the links you posted. Michelle
Ok read all the info they left on the RR ties. I do not want pulmonary cancer for pete's sake. Good grief I would have been so stinkin mad if I put up my garden and then found this out. Back to the drawing board.
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