Hope you all are doing well. I am still fairly tired compared to my usual unpregnant. I had to stop taking the pills for nausea because of the side effects so I am bungling through best I can. I have been sewing the boys summer shorts and hoping to be done by the weekend and will take pics. We have been getting the garden area cleaned up and are going to till tomorrow and get my poor plants in the ground. They are screaming at me to get them in the ground and get some sunshine all day!!!! I cannot waittttt until they are all set up. I am hoping to have it all ready and done by once again the weekend and I will take pics of that too. I so hope everything goes better this year. I have decided to put my tomatoes in pots and put them on the front porch and cover those with fencing to try and keep the squirrels out this year since I did get one tomato last year due to them little buggers...atleast someone liked my tomatoes hahaha. Again hope everyone is doing well and I won't stay away so long next time. Good wishes to all, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
Glad you are well, was getting a little concerned. Just gotta love Spring huh? Can't wait to get my hands in the soil too!!!
Thanks Jayce and yesssss I can't wait either. A perfect day today 80 degrees wooohooo!!!! Michelle
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