I was very happy that their was only 1 baby. The kids and hubby are a bit disappointed.
Don't get me wrong I love my twins. They are fun and interesting to watch grow and develop. I think everyone should have a set just to experience it. But I am not gonna lie and say it was easy and that I am ready to jump in and do it again. These twins I have are only 5 and are still a handful. It was extremely nerveracking when they were little. #1 they were so tiny and getting them to eat was a full time job. It is sometimes challenging to console a single baby let along two crying with colic at the same time. I never felt like I got to enjoy much of their 1st year because there was so much packed into it. Yes of course it was fun alot of the time, It was new!!! Newness wears off though. The first year felt like a blurr of feedings bathings diaper changes and crying. The youngest baby was so much fun after that, Just tending to him and his needs. After the twins I realized how I was able to enjoy each day with him without all the chaos.
I would not have been upset at all if I was having twins again. But I am not displeased at all that it is 1. The kids and hubby seemed a little let down that it was only 1 though and I can understand since they got the enjoying playing part of the twins while I worked my butt off. hahaha. They will come around and get real excited just like with the last baby. The girls are hoping of course for a girl. I don't mind a girl or a boy. The kids have decided I am not allowed to tell them what I think it is. I have not been wrong yet, even when the Dr. told me she was 150% sure last time that now Matthew was a girl and I told her she was wrong that it was a boy. So I am keeping my mouth shut on this one, But I already have my suspicions. I tend to know the sex for some reason I don't know what it is around the 5th month. It is just a really strong feeling I get either way.
I have often wondered how many other mothers get this feeling and were right when the Dr. says the opposite. I won't falter this time like last time. I gave into the Dr. and gathered all girl stuff and picked out her name Maddelynn to only hear in the operating room from the Dr. ummmmm Michelle, did you get all girl stuff??? HUH??? I said, as she showed me my son and admitted I was right. She said I really did not seem shocked at all!!!!! I wasn't really but was worrying about what I had gathered for a girl. Well ladies gotta run, I have decided to suprise my family tonight with a big dinner and it isn't even Sunday!!! bahahaha Have a great day, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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