I can, Dry ingredients. Today I made two white cake mixes, Two choc. cake mixes, 4 waffle mixes, 4 pancake mixes, 2 brownie mixes, 2 choc. chip cookie mixes, 1 ranch dressing mix, 1 pork chop shake n bake, and 6 bis(quick) mix. These save so much time, having all dry ingred. mixed up and ready to go. It took me 2 hours to do all of them. I do other mixes too, Just type in google jar mix recipes, and there is a dry recipe for just about everything you can think of, puddings, spice mixes, a thousand cookie and bar recipes, soup and cream soup recipes, Just about everything. The cream soup recipes have saved me so much money. The jars were the biggest investment. I saved the coupons from way back at the beggining of summer, for $2.75 off 2 cases, Until they went on clearance at my local Walmart, And got two cases for $14.00-$2.75 for coupon. I had 8 coupons and used them all, So got 16 cases of jars for $90. Since I knew I would use them for my can(ning), And for gifts, This was worth it to me. I used 2 cases just for spices, I had alot of little jars in my stockpile pantry, So I condensed them into these jars. Also condensed my baking powder, my baking soda, brown sugar, baking cocoa, etc. into these jars. Anything to make life a little easier and keep me away from tempting stores is good for me.
Also made crepes for a snack time today, These are so darn easy to make, and you can fill them with anything. Most recipes online I think are too thick, So I came up with my own.
Basic crepes
2 cups flour- I use all different types, I have used buckwheat, whole wheat, white.
4 eggs
1 cup milk-I use powdered, already made
1 1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons melted butter
Mix with whisk, Heat pan add a little butter, I use a 1/2 cup mix per crepe, swirl around pan to make circle, cook on both sides. This batch makes 15 crepes.
Today I filled these with choc. pudding. I also make them with 1 block cream cheese, mixed with any kind of jelly. I also make them with pie fillings. The kids also like them with cream cheese spread on them, a slice of lunchmeat and a piece of lettuce.
Tonight for dinner, Is crockpot porkchops:
4 large porkchops or 8 small pork chops
2 cans cream of chicken soup- or equiv. if you make your own
2 cans milk
2 tablespoons sour cream
oil for frying pork chops in
Fry pork chops on both sides till crispy in oil. In crockpot add rest of ingredients, when pork chops done, add to crockpot and cook on high 4-6 hours. I usually serve this with rice, But 50# boxes of potatoes were on sale at our local grocer for $11, And I bought 2, So we are having boiled potatoes with the gravy from the chops drizzled over. Oranges were two 4# bags for $7, So I will do something creative with these for dessert.
Have a great day-Happy cooking.
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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