A friend took me out about 8 months ago, and took me to a healthfood store here in town. It also had a little healthy cafe. She said I had to try this hot tea that tasted like pumpkin pie, I loveeeeeeeee pumpkin pie, anything pumpkin pie(ish)!!!!! With all 6 of my kids I never had any cravings, except for #3, Pumpkin, pumpkin anything and everything, Im suprised she did not come out orange!!! I never recovered from those cravings. Back to the tea, Wowwww this stuff was great I loved it, I drank it down like water, Although until the last week never went back to get more. My husband had surgery and they had one of those starbucks lookalikes in the hospital, And while waiting I got one of thier hot chai tea drinks, YUMMMMMMMMM. Well over the last week I went twice to the little healthy cafe to get two more.....to the tune of $9 bucks for the two of them, I was not sure I liked them that much!!!! Well I went on the internet search and found a recipe to make my own.......
1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
1 teaspoon cardamom
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
mix all this together and store in airtight container. Make a cup of strong black tea, add two teaspoons of the chai mix, stir.
This was amazingly close and really good. The only thing it lacked was the foamy milk. I am going to add that next. Not quite sure how to do it, but will figure it out.
Now I almost choked on the price of the cardamom. The only place in town I could find it was walmart, and the only brand had no coupons. It was $11 for a larger bottle. But the mixture above will last me about two weeks, and uses only 1 teaspoon at a time for the mix, So the jar will last a long long time. Far cheaper then my $4.50 a drink at the shop. Yes I could just get over my love of this tea mixture, But I really enjoy it and other than that I only drink coffee. I think I deserve it, So that works for me!!!!!
The best part about this venture is my mind is clicking clicking, Since making the taco bell cheesy fiesta potatoes and the chai tea, whatelse, Finger tapping face, could I replace with homemade at the fraction of the cost of buying premade, hmmmmmm. I know what I'm doing today, searching online for great make at home recipes....!!!!!!!! Have a happy thanksgiving all!!!!
Oh just one more quick note, Don't know if you all have seen the walmart blackfriday ad posted onine.... But there a few great deals that I noticed:
Boys, girls, womens, mens, bubble coats $7 each
Boys, girls, womens, mens, snow boots $7 each
( I have a hard time finding these things at our small towns thrift store and when I do they are close to this price used)
Also boys and girls, and juniors, clothes for $3each !!!! oh and jammies two piece sets for $3 each.
I can't say I am getting up and out at 3am like some, If when I get there they have some left, I might get some, if not oh well!!!! Happy shopping!!!!!
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
I had pumpkin cravings with my third pregnancy, too and still am not over them. I've been putting pumpkin in everything. That sounds like a yummy mix!
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