Well this year like for so many others this year is less materialistic. Although my husbands job is the same, We have been paying off bills like crazy and have no savings, putting everything we can into the house etc. Plus the week of thanksgiving the fuel pump went out on our only car, and had to be fixed, that was $750. So christmas will be even less than originally anticipated, Which at first after the fuel pump, I felt a bit depressed about it, But a week later now and I'm pulling out of it.......It's just not about material items and before the fuel pump, I had huge lists of what I would get. Maybe I thought this was god's way of saying whoa, Your original less is more, and god centered christmas was correct, He always does those little things to reel me back it seems. Anyway, Now I am really planning a huge 2 weeks before christmas, lots of activities and a huge bash on christmas eve, and a quiet christmas day. There will be not much in the way of gifts, I am leaning towards 3 gifts each, to symbolize jesus' 3 gifts, and my budget for 6 kids mark and I and his dad is $200. I did allocate $75 dollars in extra money for a food budget. I want to make christmas eve huge, and have snacks for different activites throughout the 2 weeks before christmas. I hope this will be a christmas to remember for all of us, Memorable without the commercialism. We will take tons of pictures of all the events, Then I think on new years eve will all have a big dinner, then sit down with all the pictues and scrapbook them for even more memories. Jesus is the reason for the season!!!!!!!
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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