Through the summer months, My house seemed torn apart, Things not where they should be, Piles piles and more piles, out of place. So I spent the last two weeks redecorating for ease. First I of course read blog after blog on organizing, These can be very addictive, Some of my favs are
So with some pictures I printed off from both as guides, and lots of ideas in my head. I started with the livingroom, This is the room where everyone lives, Toys live here, This is the playroom also. Somehow the 3 bookshelves for schooling landed here too, Those came out, And all the toys were gone through. Every little toy, was sorted and put into old coffee containers, wet wipe tubs, marked and sent with the bookshelves, To be given out one container at a time to play with. The bigger toys were put back in the toybox.
Next came the diningroom, This is the diningroom/computer room/schoolroom. I took out all unecessary items, cleanout out the hutch , moved the bookshelves in, Made the hutch my Command central for all school related materials minus books, Pens, colors, glue, crafts etc. Very organized and clean looking. We have a bar between the kitchen and diningroom, and wow, My new saying is, "if you put a basket and keep adding baskets to said counter, They will come" They being everything that your too lazy to go put away!!!! I'm guilty. Baskets gone, Looks awsome. Then I tidied up the kitchen, Moved alot of pantry stuff that got shoved here and there, but not used, back to the pantry.
This made me so much calmer I cannot even tell you how much better I feel. Only 9 more rooms to go, ohhhh can't think of that all at once. I'm gonna take one room every two weeks and just organize the heck out of it. That is my goal anyway. I would love suggestions on more organizing, especially bedrooms, Or blankets, We have no heat yet, just electric heaters and one kerosene heater for downstairs, I have a ton of blankets. Stored them in between beds during warm months, But can't figure out what to do with them now, and keep them still handy. Well off to get ready for homeschooling tomorrow!!!!
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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