Life is strange sometimes, Teenagers, babies, holidays, surgeries.......I think I did not get my copy of how to deal with this all. How do I know what is right and what is wrong, No wonder parents are frusterated. I think that is my biggest problem, Knowing what is the right way to handle something and what is the wrong way to handle it. What seems good for one kid , Does not seem to apply to the next one, ugggghhhhh can't they just be the same, easy and non confrontational, and definetly never want boyfriends or any of that junk, hahaha. Well I guess not, Just wish I had a copy of that darn book on life, Can I borrow someones???? Didn't someone tell me life would be hard, and that I should enjoy being a kid, Oh yeah someone did, Why oh why did I not listen!!!!!! Got a busy week this week, Mark has surgery on thursday, for polyps, Got two girls dating, blechhh. And trying to figure out this whole holiday thing this year, The ins and outs of how I'm gonna do it. It will all work out in the end I guess, It always does!!! It works best when I stop controlling it, everything. Maybe I'll give that a try this year......
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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