I am posting my list for Walgreen's and My town's grocery store deals (Marvins).
This weeks Walgreen's list
First I will purchase the Register Reward items I want or need
Transaction #1
Stouffers easy express skillet meals ( I do not care for these but my daughter does)
2/8 - $2rr
Purchase $10 in these products get $3rr
Tide stain release $3.99
Mr. Clean magic erasers 2/5 I will get 3/7.50( There are more items included but this is what I will purchase)
hefty trash bags 5.99 $1rr
soft soap 2/11 $5rr
lysol healthy touch 11.99 $5 rr
schick disposable razors $5.99 $3rr
always pads $2.99 $2rr
softsoap body wash 2/7 $5rr
Total-$74.50( I will cut this in half with coupons, I did not get around to getting all my coupons matched up yet for this post)
RR total-$26
I will use the $26 in rr's to purchase this for free
Dawn dish soap-$.99-.$50 coupon x4 coupons=4/$2
Coffee mate liquid creamer 2/2.49 - 2 .75 coupons =2/$1
salt and baking soda 2/1 x4= 8/4
mandarin oranges 2/1 3=6/3
arizona 12 pack tea 3/10
6 roll scott natural paper towels $5 - $1q=$4
12 large roll cottonelle toilet paper $5-$1q=$4
total-$28-$26 RR's out of pocket cash $2+tax
Marvins ad
Betty crocker cookie pouches 3/5 -(3).50q's= 3/3.50
Starkist pouches 2/3-(2)$1q's=2/1
Uncle bens rice 3/5-(3).75q's=3/2.75
orville redenbacher popcorn 3/5-(3).40q's=3/3.80
Sanderson farms 100% natural whole fryers .99 x10 lbs=$10
hefty one zip baggies 2.19 bogo free q=2/2.19 x 6=12/7.20
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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