Today I wanted to finish up the bail out bag or 72 hour kit for my older kids and the adults. Adult ( older child) 1 pair jeans or heavy pants 1 t shirt 1 jacket 2 pair underwear 4 pairs socks bug spray 4 water bottles granola bars, protein bars, snacks first aid kit medicine kit hand warmers hat pocket knife matches solar charger for phones etc (homemade by son) small blanket ( wool army issue bought at supply store) fishing line and hooks We also have one backpack that is just homemade mre's. Also my children have put some extra things for them in each. I have sunscreen and baby sunscreen in mine also and a roll of quarters. I also have a bar of soap and toiletries in mine and a small bottle of homemade laundry soap. I also have steel wool for starting fires. Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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