This Wednesday I don't have too much but a few things + a few things I need.
Country Mart ( Coffeyville, Kansas)
Rice a roni 2/1 ( This is a crazy unusual price although I don't have coupons I am going to purchase 18 boxes and that will probably last years)
Nabisco snak snacks 2/3-$2 in coupons = 2/1
Hiland yogurt 2/.89 x10
Philadelphia cooking cremes $1.99-$1.50 coupon x11=11/$5.50
pictsweet steam veggies .99 -.50 x4=4/$2.00
pilgrims pride whole chickens .79lb x10 lbs $7.90
Marvin's grocery (Independence, Kansas)
act 2 popcorn 2/3-$1 coupon x4=8/$8.00
farmland lunch meat 3/5 -$.75 coupon =3/$2.75 x 6=18/16.50
green giant veggies in sauce .99-.40 coupon=.59x10=$5.90
Navel oranges 6/$1x3=18/3
Golden delicious apples .69lbx10lbs=$6.90
tangelos 4/1x4=16/$4
I am still working on my Walgreen's list I will post that separately tomorrow Baby is having a rough night with teething so gotta run soon. Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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