This is the after picture of the love seat/hidabed. The plaid pillows are from the couch, Which is the exact same as the pillows. This blue matches perfectly plus will hold up better to the children. The ottoman fabric color I think looks good with it, So I did not recover it, But it does need to come off and be cleaned, The kids loveeee the ottoman.
1. Plant more seeds
2. Start getting lumber etc. for the raised beds.
3. Call extension office to do soil test.
4. Treat soil, rototiller, Put in raised beds.
5. Paint living room a coffee color.
6. Make new drapes for living room with material bought at walmart closeout sale.
7. Deep clean and oil old wood floors downstairs
8. Paint the stairs. ( I saw this in a magazine and loved it, Would never have considered painting inside stairs).
9. finish up boys room, Painting and decorating.
10. Work on 14 year olds room , redecorating and painting.
11. Repaint our room.
12. Repaint 17 year olds room.
13. Get sheers out for dining room windows, Wash and iron for spring and summer.
14. Last week of march, Get all kids spring clothes washed up and ready to go in drawers.
15. Pull our fridge clean and dust.
16. Cut everyone's hair ( I do this once a month anyway)
17. Clean out my ugly place, haha, My printer sits on a microwave cart underneath is a cupboard I refer to this as my ugly place, Every piece of paper I do not want to deal with has gone there!!!
18. Get all the outside toys cleaned up and ready for spring.
19. Order new tires for the little ones wagon. ( This is one of those step 2 wagons, My husband uses this to take the 3 little ones all over town in the spring and summer)
20. Clean oven.
That is my list so far, I hope to be very very very busy. I have already started gathering and purchasing some of the things needed for all this. Most I already have. Just have a few more items to get. I had to plan down to the last nail. I do not want to spend one dime!!!! Wish me luck, Michelle
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