This will be remembered as the sickness of 2010, I hate hate hate it!!!! I get a bit angry when we get sick, Which is not often. I drove daughter to work today and just looked at everyone like germ breeders (aren't I a lovely ray of sunshine today!!! hahaha) I do not like to be sick, It is a waster of time, it is expensive if serious and I hate to feel cruddy and worse breaks my heart to see my babies sick. The baby is doing fine, He is all but over it, Myself and the 3 older ones are doing better but I still feel way worse then I want to feel. The only ones not to get this are the twins and hubby, Hopefully they just avoid it all together, I scrubbed every inch of this house with bleach to kill everything and I doubled them up on Vitamin C , D3, ecchanacia and probiotics. Anyway just wanted to let everyone know I will probably be back in full force tomorrow, One more night of resting here for me. Have a quiet evening all, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
Feel better soon. So NOT fun when the entire house is passing germs around. My best to all of you.
I'm not usually a huge germaphobe, but after I had Ruby I saw everyone just like what you said. Like a bunch of germ breeders. I made my poor husband stand force anyone who came to see her use hand sanitizer and I almost had him convinced to spray their clothes down with Lysol (he finally convinced me that they would be holding the baby against their clothes...Lysol might not be that great.) I was nuts for about a month, and then back to normal. That didn't happen to me with my other kids. I would have thought it was having a winter baby, but her brother was born in December, too. (Course I had a 18 month old when he was born and was just too tired to care maybe.)
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