The pics of my twins Jacob and Joshua are showing off their new haircuts, Obviously I have a ways to go on learning but they thought I did a wonderful job hahaha. I was a bit scared of the trimmers, I think I will get used to them after a few more times though. The second set of pictures are of these organic juices my 3 little ones love, They are called honest kids. I love these for several reasons. First the boys love them and I feel better about giving them to them, They are not any more or much more expensive then say capri sun ( I get them in the organic aisle at walmart). They also have some neat things to do on the website, If you save so many of the pouches and send them in they give a certain amount of money for each one to a charity, Also the kids can collect points and get little trinkets in the mail. The last thing I love about them, Which I just discovered the other day is their versatility. They open in such a manner and lock in place after being opened, That I shoved in some baggies and they kind of latched shut. I love this as a bag holder. I had my son affix two of them to the wall and stuffed em full. When opened they have a nice large opening to get the bags out. They won't last forever, So I holding back 2 packages to use when these are done and will keep doing that so I have 2 on hand. I might find a way to use these for my housecleaning rags too, Putting the boxes in the cleaning closet!!! The last two pictures are of my treasures I found at the consignment mall today. I do not like home interiors stuff. I personally find them rather cheaply made. But I fell in loveeeeee with these and knew I would put them up high where they would not get ruined quickly. I am going to use them to hold all my seed packets. stored up high outta the way but accessible, Love ittttt!!! These were brand new in the box and They were marked $3 for all 3, Then the booth was everything 50% off, So all 3 boxes for $1.50 a great deal I thought. I also picked up a pair of choo choo jammies for one of the twins, That was $1, A 25 piece Thomas the tank engine puzzle for the baby, all pieces there for $.25, A blooming onion maker for $.25, a baggie with 3 of the Moose from brother bear for $.25 ( one for each boy, they loved em) two scooby doo fanny packs for the boys this summer when they go walking for $.50 each. Last thing I found was a gift for me, it is a velour button up jacket with matching pants ( black velour) Looked brand new, It was marked $7.50 but was also 50% off, So $3.75. A very nice haul and the best part was the nice quiet time out. I usually go about every month or 2, To see what new stuff is in or which person has marked stuff down. It did make me think I can't wait until garage sale time here!!!! Happy bargain hunting, Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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