Yesterday was one of those days, Utterly non frugal!!!!
Hubby decided he would change the plug and wires on the car himself and change the oil. Oil changing went well. Plugs went well. Wires not so much. He put them in wrong and then did not know how to put them in right. Today at 2:30 I have to take it in to have it done right and I don't even want to know how much it is going to cost. There are some things I don't like to skimp on when it comes to money. My car is one of them. We opted for just one car, Which means I have to take him to work and pick him up 15 miles from home at all hours day or night since he could get called at 2am or 2pm. I wanted a nice car, a car big enough for all of us. Since it was a bit more then the usual $1000 we pay for a car ( a lot moreeeeee) I did not want to skimp on car repairs or maintenance. I want this car to last me forever and one more day. He tried and it is fixable but darn it!!!! There goes my new crockpot ( mine just broke, the crock actually cracked!!) and my new sewing machine I was saving up for. Gotta start over again.
I know I said I would take pictures of the garden and post, But this will have to wait yet another day I will hopefully post them tomorrow!!! Wish me luck and maybe the mechanic will feel sorry for me, Yeah right!!! Michelle
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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