My home stockroom and stockpile. These first pictures are my bathroom stockpile, I have 3 shelves so far dedicated to stockpile stuff. These hold shampoos, razors, toothpaste/brushes, anything for personal use.
I need some more shelves, We have the wood and brackets just have not done it yet. So this is excess that has no room yet. I got the stayfree pads at Walgreen's this past week, They were 1.99 each, and I used BOGO coupons. So I started out at 2/1.99 or 8 packs for $7.96. I also used a $5 and a $2 register reward, So I paid .96+tax for 8 packs of stayfree pads. I also have down there, my smelly basket, candles, holders etc. and the box with more deodorants toothbrushes/paste etc.
My stockpile room is in our bedroom, I only have a bed and one dresser in there and it is a large room, So it made sense to have it in there at this time. It keeps the little ones and the big ones from grazing on it anyway. This picture here is my large white shelf. It has my yogurt maker ( large white cooler) chips, all my spices in mason jars. My unused canning jars. My long term #10 cans, cereal, canned foods and some odds and ends. 

This is my paper towel and toilet paper, I have the ones on top and the ones in the bin, I have no where near enough of this stockpiled up beyond maybe 2 months, I have been waiting for some really good coupons to come along with a really good deal.
I really enjoy this, Using the coupons, Getting awesome and lots of times free or near free stuff. Being able on a weekend like this one with darn near a foot of snow in 24 hours. I need something I just go shopping in my own house. Don't have to fight crowds or bad roads or go to the store and be tempted with other purchases. The best part of having this stockroom/pile, Is I no longer have to "grocery shop" I shop sales and coupons only, As I am rarely ever out of anything, I can now shop totally to keep my stockpile going, Which gets me down to spending 1/2 sometimes even less on groceries then I was before. There are some weeks where I may only spend $20 on groceries and household because sales are not great. Anyway hope you all enjoy the pictures, I am so happy to have a camera now!!!! Happy winter weekend to you all, Michelle
I love seeing pics of people's pantries. Thanks for posting yours! I think I'm going to try to get some up of mine soon.
Gah...that's me,
I finally found your site shaunta, I can't wait till kids are in bed tonight to read more of it. I am wanting to go gluten free, Boys with adhd. I followed your link, But it asked me to sign in with username password.......Was it supposed to take me to your pantry pics??? I love seeing other peoples too lol !!!!
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