We are home with Matthew, All is well so far, His surgery went really well, The cut is a little bigger then they had anticipated, basically is from one side to the other. He required no pain medication after surgery. I did not want to go the pain medication route if not necessary, Of course I don't want him hurting. We ended up having to give him some pain meds to get to sleep this evening. The hardest part is he cannot have any physical activity other than sitting quietly playing with one toy at a time the DR. said, I will have to tie him down I think haha. Anyway dad is rocking him now, I am making him homemade chicken noodle soup and the next few days we are just gonna love him and snuggle him. Thanks to all who have kept us in their thoughts and prayers!!! We have a huge winter storm coming right on top of us tonight, 1/2 inch of ice then 10-15 inches of snow, Power outages expected, Stay safe to all who are in this storm also. Have a safe weekend, Michelle
added.... We can't hardly keep him settled down, Thank goodness I found on clearance at walmart for $6.50 this morning, A train track and a 3 car train, He settled down nicely on the floor to play with this. The hardest part is he sees the twins running around like crazy and wants to get in on the action. Although I think he moved a little too much earlier, Because he reached up to his neck, and said neck owie, So he knows it is there. He gobbled up the chicken noodle soup. I added all kinds of extra healing herbs. He went down to bed and went right out, So I hope he sleeps through the night to get some needed rest as he has been up since around 2am, With just little naps here and there. He looks so very different without the huge lump, Once I got past the scariness of the incision, I was glad it was gone. The Dr. sent off the lump to be analyzed, He said very rarely to these turn out to be cancerous, So just have to wait for the one last test to come in. The odds of it returning are just around 10% so that is good. We also noticed that he did not choke or gag while eating his dinner tonight, That was nice hopefully he will eat better, Not that he is too skinny, He is smaller, 2 years old and 27lbs, But the nurses all said he looked very healthy, He only started off at 5lbs so he is doing fine. My first 3 were larger kids, And then the last 4 were smaller, With the twins born at 4.2 and 4.6lbs, and now at 5 years old weighing in at 37 lbs last month. They eat like mad!!!! Looking forward to posting more pics of all kinds of stuff, once things settle down here with Matthew. Have a great night all and stay safe and hug your babies!!!! Michelle
Glad he is doing better. Poor little man :(
My 2 year old weighs close to the same amount.
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