I have planned some weekend projects to keep busy, And not focus on the baby's CT scan. Today we have an upstairs bathroom closet with a hole in the wall, We had to cut the hole in the wall when the pipes burst, So we are repairing that. With the hole being patched we might as well organize the closet, It is where all the Christmas stuff goes and the extra clothes. Hubby is doing most of that, And I will be baking. I am out of bread and cookies. I am just making a farmhouse white bread, The cookies will candy choc. chip cookies. I purchased 30 bags of the crunch like chocolates at walmart last week for .20 a bag. I am just gonna smash em up a little and use those like choc. chips. I have not made cookies since before Christmas and since I don't buy them, Everyone is real antsy for cookies!!! I am making everyones favorite chicken dish for dinner, Chicken and Rice:
6 chicken breasts or thighs
4 cups rice (instant or regular)
4 cups water
2 cups milk ( powdered or regular)
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 carton of sour cream
4 tablespoons dry parsley flakes
Pour rice in large casserole dish, pour in water and milk. Inseperate bowl mix together cream of chicken soup, sour cream, parsley flakes. Place washed chicken breasts on top of rice once liquid has somewhat absorbed. Spoon the cream of chicken mixture on top of chicken and rice. Sprinkle or use as much as you want of the paprika, We like lots so every inch is covered on mine. Bake for 1 hour 30 minutes on 350 or until chicken is done.
I have not done this in the crock pot, But am going to give it a go today, I will let you know how that comes out.
Tomorrow's project is the boys room. We have the 5 year old twins and the 2 year old in the really large bedroom upstairs. It was the 2 teen girls room before my oldest moved out. It is quite girlyfied. We are patching and primering today. Then tomorrow we will be painting. I have some baby blue paint, almost a gallon. I will water it down a bit, Since it is really bright anyway. ( we only purchase the mistints) I am hoping it comes out a sky like blue. After it dries, I am going to combine their two favorite things, Disney cars and trains. I am going to stencil trains and Cars characters on the wall, Like a border around the center of the wall. I am also going to do a bright sun in one corner, Some clouds dotted here and there. Then I am going to write some inspirational quotes on the empty spots. We also bought those new star lights at after Christmas sales for $1.40. One string has 10 big stars, They have settings to go fast or chase or fade in and out etc. We already moved the plugs to the top of the walls, So no one can reach them. So my hope is that there is enough to hang them in different spots on the ceiling like stars in the sky. They have no window in the room so I think they will like this. The ceiling fan I am going to remove the blades, Clean it up, paint it dark dark blue, and stencil glow in the dark stars on it. Next month when we get the state taxes back, We are going to buy some clearance carpet that they put out at Lowe's and just lay carpet down with attaching it, except just tacking it down in the corners, The weight of the beds will keep the rest from moving. They have nothing but their beds and toys in their room, Dressers are at the end of the hallway outside their room. The 2 year old is a terrible climber, And since this is also the playroom, Where they play while I am downstairs, This works for me. We used a leftover piece of the kitchen counter we had left to make the TV shelf. They have a small tv/dvd player so they can watch their movies. We also have the heater up on this shelf, Which in about 7 ft up the wall. With the plug way up right next to it, I don't have to worry about anyone touching these things. Other then getting the 5 year olds new beds next month also. That will be about it. This really won't cost much, Other then the carpet and the beds. I have the paint, The stencils I will make myself on the computer. The carpet will cost about $25. And the beds just the price of lumber, As we are building our own, Just 4 basic posts, and a plywood piece on top, Then painted with paint I already have.
I don't foresee us getting this all done in one weekend, But more like 2. Hubby is lower man on the engineers pool, So he does not get to pick his vacations, He got the January vacation this year, And all at once. He started on the 10th and it ends on the 24th. So want to jam pack as many things as possible into that time frame. He doesn't work that much regularly, Only about 10 days a month but it never fails we start a project and he gets called for work. Kind of like a firefighter, Same call hours, could be gone for a few days. But to work like that, and drive the choo choo which he lovessssssss and get paid $90,000 a year, We live with it lol. Have a happy weekend all !!!!!!
Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge
2 months ago
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